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Future Development

Home / About College / About / Future Development
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Date 2021-11-16

Currently, the main focuses of the College are as follows:


I. To implement an effective support system to the teaching staff for establishing cross-disciplinary teams, which in turn bring forward the academic drive and showcase the academic features of the College of Science.

  1. Data Science cross-disciplinary academic development
  2. Social Network and Service cross-disciplinary academic development
  3. Cross-disciplinary Psychology and Neuroscience, incorporating humanities and social sciences
  4. Financial Mathematics and Computational Science cross-disciplinary academic development


II. To implement the Elaboration Theory of Instruction and emphasize natural and liberal education

III. To provide comprehensive teaching resources and infrastructure as well as to expand academic resources

IV. To enhance the visibility and impact of the College of Science and all of its affiliated departments and institutes

V. To strengthen academic internationalization and global exchange

VI. To increase inter-college cooperation

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